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Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 610034 39-2-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 610034 39-2-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 610034 39-2-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 610034 39-2-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 610034 39-2-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 606110 63-4-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault, Gloeocapsa violascea (Corda) Rabenhorst 606044 74-6-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault, Gloeocapsa violascea (Corda) Rabenhorst 606044 74-6-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Petalonema incrustans [Kützing] Komárek, Chroococcus tenax (Kirchner) Hieronymus 606043 74-5-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Petalonema incrustans [Kützing] Komárek, Chroococcus tenax (Kirchner) Hieronymus 606043 74-5-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Petalonema incrustans [Kützing] Komárek, Chroococcus tenax (Kirchner) Hieronymus 606043 74-5-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault 606040 74-2-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault 606040 74-2-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault 606040 74-2-12
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605882 6-1-16_GSM
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605875 1-1-16_OH
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605875 1-1-16_OH
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605875 1-1-16_OH
Stigonema ocellatum [Dillwyn] Thuret ex Bornet et Flahault, Gloeocapsopsis magma (Brébisson) Komárek et Anagnostidis, Gloeocapsa compacta Kützing, Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605849 20-4-15
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Gloeocapsa sanguinea (C. Agardh) Kützing 605846 38-1-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605845 38-1-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605845 38-1-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605845 38-1-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605845 38-1-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605845 38-1-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605845 38-1-10
Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault, Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605694 39-4-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Tolypothrix distorta Kützing ex Bornet et Flahault, Aphanocapsa grevillei (Berkeley) Rabenhorst 605693 40-1-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Stigonema minutum [C. Agardh] Hassall ex Bornet et Flahault, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault, Pseudanabaena frigida (Fritsch) Anagnostidis 605691 39-3-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Stigonema minutum [C. Agardh] Hassall ex Bornet et Flahault, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault, Pseudanabaena frigida (Fritsch) Anagnostidis 605691 39-3-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Aphanocapsa grevillei (Berkeley) Rabenhorst, Chroococcus spelaeus Ercegović 605690 39-2-11
Gloeocapsa violascea (Corda) Rabenhorst, Gloeocapsa ralfsii (Harvey) Kützing, Gloeocapsa kuetzingiana Nägeli, Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605666 36-3-11
Gloeocapsa violascea (Corda) Rabenhorst, Gloeocapsa sanguinea (C. Agardh) Kützing, Gloeocapsa kuetzingiana Nägeli, Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605665 36-2-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605640 31-1-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605640 31-1-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605629 26-4-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605571 1-5-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605571 1-5-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605570 2-1-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Microcoleus vaginatus Gomont ex Gomont 605568 1-3-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault, Microcoleus vaginatus Gomont ex Gomont 605568 1-3-14
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605418 71-1-08
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605236 4-3-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605236 4-3-11
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605120 46-2-11Chu
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605087 2-02-10_Seyd
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605086 2-01-10_Seyd
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605078 81-2-08
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605077 81-1-08
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605044 22-6-11Chu
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605042 22-5-11Chu
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 605035 20-1-11Chu
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 604743 73-2-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 604717 49-6-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 604703 44-2-10
Dichothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Bornet et Flahault 604697 41-2-10